HL Deb 01 August 1935 vol 98 c1025

Page 2, line 11, at end insert: ("Provided that before any resolution is submitted for the approval of the Minister under this section the highway authority shall cause to be advertised in two or more newspapers circulating in the locality in which the road is situated and to be sent to any person whose name and address are for the time being entered in the register kept by the highway authority for the purpose in accordance with the provisions of this Act, notice, in a form approved by the Minister, of the passing of the resolution specifying the places and times at which plans may be inspected, showing the standard width proposed to be adopted thereby and the time within which and the manner in which objection can be made to the approval of the resolution; and before approving the resolution the Minister shall consider any objections duly made within the time aforesaid and shall, unless he considers it unnecessary so to do, hold a local inquiry.")


My Lords, this Amendment requires some little explanation. It has been introduced to meet the request that landowners should be given an opportunity of making representations to the highway authority before a resolution to adopt a standard width becomes effective. Furthermore, it makes reference to the institution of a register. I should like to point out that in the Bill as it was drafted, in your Lordships' House this Amendment would not have had effect. Now an arrangement has been made by which machinery has been set up for registering those who wish to be registered and to be informed when a highway authority intends to impose a new restriction. It is a very simple form of machinery; it is dealt with at a later stage of the Bill, but I thought it as well to draw your Lordships' attention to it at this stage.

Moved, That this. House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Earl of Plymouth.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.