HL Deb 26 June 1934 vol 93 cc166-8

My Lords, it may be for the convenience of your Lordships if I mention what has been already indicated, firstly, that the Special Order relating to the Amendment to the Hops Marketing Scheme, 1932, will not come on for discussion this week, so that those who are interested may have time in which to consider the Report. Secondly, I understand that a Bill is coming from another place some time late to-night dealing with the Clearing House arrangements which it may be necessary to set up between this country and Germany. This Bill passed its Second Reading yesterday, and is passing through all its other stages today, in the other House. It is essential that it should receive the Royal Assent this week, and therefore I shall have to ask your Lordships to suspend the Standing Orders on Thursday and to take the Bill through all its stages on that day. It will reach us late to-night, and will therefore have its First Reading on Wednesday, and will not be circulated until Thursday morning. No doubt in the circumstances your Lordships will be willing to form a preliminary view as to merits by looking at the form in which it has appeared in the Press, and at the discussion in another place.

House adjourned at six o'clock.