HL Deb 15 November 1933 vol 89 c408

Order of the Day read for resuming the debate on the Report stage.


My Lords, I think it would be courteous if I told your Lordships what is the intention of the promoters of this Bill. The position is this. The Bill was read a second time in this House, it went to a Select Committee who amended it, it was considered in Committee of the Whole House, and it has partially gone through the Report stage. What we felt was that even if the Bill went through all its stages in this House it would be quite impossible for it to go further in this Session, and therefore we came to the conclusion that it would not be right to ask your Lordships to spend any more time on the Bill. As a matter of fact there are only relatively small points still to be settled. Therefore, as the intention is early, or some time in the course of next Session, to reintroduce the Bill, in this House or to introduce it in another place, in the circumstances I have mentioned I beg leave to withdraw the Bill.

Order of the Day discharged and Bill, by leave, withdrawn.