HL Deb 11 May 1933 vol 87 c904

My Lords, may I bring the question of business before the Leader of the House, as I think there may be some business for next week other than that already on the Order Paper?


My Lords, I am obliged to the noble Lord. There is in fact business beyond that on the Paper in the shape of the Exchange Equalisation Account Bill, which is now being discussed in another place. That is a Bill which is urgently wanted. I do not think it will involve a very long discussion in this House and I am afraid I shall have to ask your Lordships to take it in one day. I think the day will probably be Thursday because I gather the Bill is not passing through another place as quickly as we expected. We shall probably not receive it until Tuesday and in that event Thursday would be the earliest day at which we could reasonably ask the House to pass it. Apart from that I think the business for next week appears on the Order Paper.

House adjourned at eight minutes past seven o'clock.