HL Deb 23 February 1933 vol 86 cc837-8

My Lords, perhaps the noble Earl can tell us what business will be taken on Tuesday of next week?


My Lords, the business for Tuesday will be the Report stage of the Public Works Facilities Scheme (Torquay Corporation) Confirmation Bill and the Second Reading of the Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill. The Bishop of Winchester also has a Motion down, which you would have seen on the Paper, calling attention to the recommendations contained in the Report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance. I understand that it is the intention of the noble Viscount the Leader of the House to move a Motion at the beginning of business on Tuesday giving precedence to the Bishop of Winchester's Motion. As regards any fur- ther business during the week, as your Lordships know, the Second Reading of the London Passenger Transport Bill is going to be taken. I remember that Lord Hailsham two days ago was not quite certain whether that debate would take two days or one, but we have now found that so many of your Lordships wish to speak that it is proposed to adjourn the debate on Wednesday and continue it on Thursday. There is in addition, on Thursday, Lord Danesfort's Motion for the Second Reading of the Road Traffic (Compensation for Accidents) Bill, and the Report of Amendments to the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Bill, but the adjourned debate on the London Passenger Transport Bill will he continued and taken as the first. Order on Thursday

House adjourned at twenty minutes past four o'clock