HL Deb 12 April 1933 vol 87 c593

My Lords, before the House adjourns, I might mention that I understand it will be most convenient that your Lordships should meet at a quarter before twelve to-morrow morning, and there will be a Royal Commission at twelve o'clock. There is no other effective business. I have also to mention that I had hoped that when we met on the 25th of April the meeting would be a purely formal one. I understand, unfortunately, that my noble friend Lord Salisbury, owing to a public engagement in the Indian Committee, was unable to be here to move an Amendment in Committee on the Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill which passed through Committee to-day, and therefore he will be compelled to bring up his point on the Report stage. The Bill is one which is urgently needed, as your Lordships will appreciate from the character of its provisions, and we are proposing to take the Report stage as soon as the House meets again on the 25th of April. I think there is controversy about my noble friend Lord. Salisbury's Amendment, and therefore I hope some of your Lordships, at any rate, may find it convenient to attend.