THE EARL OF ONSLOWMy Lords, in moving that your Lordships constitute a Select Committee to deal with matters arising out of the erection of the Peers' War Memorial, I might perhaps be allowed to tell your Lordships that the work of copying the illuminated pages of 49 the Memorial Book which are to be offered to the nearest relatives of those commemorated is making good. progress, and about twenty pages have been despatched. I may say that those to whom we have written asking whether they wish to have copies of pages of the book have practically all replied. I think there are only some twelve who have been written to from whom no reply has yet been received, and these are mostly those who are abroad, and whose addresses are perhaps difficult to find. We are endeavouring to ascertain where they are, and I thank we shall be able to get in touch with every one of them, so teat everybody who is entitled will be able to receive the offer. I may say that everyone to whom a letter has been addressed and has replied has accepted.
As regards the Scottish and Irish non-representative Peers and their sons who laid down their lives in the War, the list is now complete, end the work of erecting the additional panel will shortly be put in hand. The sum of £1,000 has been raid to the Westminster Hospital for the endowment of a bed, and arrangements have been completed for the insurance policy for a sum of £1,000 as mentioned in the Report which the Committee addressed to your Lordships' House last Session. I should think it unlikely that the Committee will be very much troubled, because the work is practically complete, but still I think it is desirable that the Committee should be reconstituted and remain in being until the whole matter is finally wound up and there is no possibility of any question arising.
§ Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the erection of the Peers' War Memorial, and to deal generally with matters relating thereto; and that the Lords following, with the Chairman of Committees, be named of the Committee:
- M. Salisbury,
- M. Crewe,
- E. Vane (M. Londonderry).
- E. Buxton,
- E. Peel,
- V. Hutchinson (E. Donoughmore),
- V. Hailsham,
- L. Wigan (E. Crawford),
- L. Desborough,
- L. Arnold.
§ —(The Earl of Onslow).
§ On Question, Motion agreed to.