HL Deb 08 November 1932 vol 85 c1110

My Lords, perhaps the Leader of the House will say what time we shall meet to-morrow?


I am obliged to the noble Lord. I suggest that to-morrow we shall meet at three o'clock. That will enable us to have an extra hour for the debate on the Ottawa Agreements Bill. It will not interfere with judicial business as it is Wednesday. I hope that by that means we shall be able to take the Division on Thursday evening at a reasonable hour, before dinner. Therefore I hope that it will be for the general convenience if the debate can be so arranged that your Lordships will be able to pronounce a decision on the Second Reading at a reasonably early hour on Thursday evening.


I am much obliged to the noble Viscount. As he is telling us the course of business with regard to the Ottawa Bill, perhaps he will say—I was not quite certain that I had heard a rumour correctly—whether the House is to be called together on Monday?


I am afraid I shall have to ask the House to meet for the Committee stage on Monday. It may very well be that the Committee stage will not take very long. The noble Lord opposite knows better than I do that a great many matters would come within the question of Privilege. We are anxious, if it is at all possible, to get the Bill by Tuesday the 15th for the reason that, unless we do that, it will be necessary to have Orders-in-Council extending the exemption of various Dominions from the Import Duties Act beyond the 15th. The Bill does it automatically as soon as the Bill becomes law. If we could get the Bill by the 15th it would obviate that necessity. I am going to ask the House to give us the Second Reading on Thursday, then take the Committee stage on Monday. I hope there may not be a Report stage. In that event I should ask for a Third Reading on Tuesday, the 15th.