HL Deb 27 June 1932 vol 85 c208

My Lords, before we adjourn I would like to say that owing to the fact that to-morrow we are having the Committee stage of the Town and Country Planning Bill—at any rate as far as we can get—and the Third Reading of the Children and Young Persons Bill, I think it would be desirable if your Lordships would be good enough to meet at three o'clock instead of a quarter past four. Your Lordships will appreciate that we are getting rather near to the end of the Session, and there is a good deal of business which it is necessary to do within the next few days. I think, therefore, it would be for the general convenience if we began our discussions a little earlier than usual. I have ascertained that there is no difficulty from the point of view of the judicial work of the House.

House adjourned at five o'clock.