HL Deb 21 April 1932 vol 84 cc117-8

My Lords, I ask your leave to withdraw the Law of Property (Entailed Interests)) Bill which I introduced on April 12 and which was down for Second Reading in my name today, and to introduce in place of it a Bill to prevent the conversion of entailed interests into absolute interests and the destruction of interests expectant thereon by the statutory trusts for sale and to define the expression "rentcharge in possession"; and to move that the Bill be read a first time. The explanation of this course is that I have been informed by eminent conveyancers in Lincoln's Inn that there is, in addition to the matter in relation to the Law of Property Acts that I proposed to deal with in the earlier Bill, another difficulty with which I deal in the Bill I am asking leave to introduce. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 1a.—(Lord Blanesburgh.)

On Question, Bill read 1a, and to be printed.

The original Law of Property (Entailed Interests) Bill, by leave, withdrawn.