HL Deb 30 September 1931 vol 82 cc167-8

My Lords, I beg to move, That Stanching Orders Nos. XXI and XXXIX be considered in order to their being dispensed with for the purpose of giving precedence to the National Economy Bill and the Public Works Loans Bill over the other Notices and Orders of the Day, and for the purpose of passing the National Economy Bill through all its stages. Your Lordships will be aware that the suspension of Standing Order No. XXI is for the purpose of giving precedence to Government business for the day, and that the suspension of No. XXXIX is for the purpose of enabling us to take all the stages of a Bill on the same day. It may be desirable that I should make a short statement with regard to this. Your Lordships are already aware of the reasons for dealing with the National Economy Bill to-day, and the necessity for bringing it to a conclusion. In those circumstances I would ask your Lordships to allow this Motion to pass in order that we may proceed with the business.

Moved, That Standing Orders Nos. XXI and XXXIX be considered in order to their being dispensed with for the purpose of giving precedence to the National Economy Bill and the Public Works Loans Bill over the other Notices and Orders of the Day, and for the purpose of passing the National Economy Bill through all its stages.—(The Marquess of Reading.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.