HL Deb 14 May 1931 vol 80 cc1269-70

[The references are to Bill No. (45).]

Clause 4, page 15, line 14, leave out ("eighteen") and insert ("twenty-one").


My Lords, the first Amendment is to leave out "eighteen" and insert "twenty-one." That is practically the only Amendment which needs any explanation. All the others are more or less of a drafting character. Your Lordships will remember that when the Ancient Monuments Bill was before you some months ago the Bill provided that a confirming Bill shall only be necessary if within three months of the making of a Preservation Order some interested party objects to the order. That provision might reduce the period within which the Bill would have to be passed to fifteen months, and, since it was thought that this was not long enough, the Bill as introduced in the House made the period two years. Your Lordships considered this period was too long and reinserted eighteen months in Committee. I think it was the noble Lord, Lord Banbury of Southam, who suggested the compromise of twenty-one months, and that is the figure which has been adopted in another place. I think it is a fair compromise. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede.)


I quite agree it is a fair compromise. I moved to reduce the period from two years to eighteen months. It was only because the noble Lord was so unaccommodating that I insisted on its being reduced to eighteen months. I was quite prepared then to accept twenty-one months, and I am still prepared to accept that compromise.

On Question, Motion agreed to.