HL Deb 26 March 1931 vol 80 cc585-6

Proceedings of the statutory Committee.

1. The quorum of the Statutory Committee shall be three, of whom the Chairman shall be one, and the Committee shall, subject as hereinafter provided, have power to act by a majority of the members present:

Provided that no order directing—

  1. (i) that the name of a pharmacist shall be removed from the register; or
  2. (ii) that a body corporate shall cease to be an authorised seller of poisons or 586 shall cease to be entitled to use any title or description or that all or any of the premises of the body corporate shall be removed from the register of premises and be disqualified for any period from being registered therein; or
  3. (iii) that the representatives of a pharmacist shall cease to be authorised sellers of poisons or cease to be entitled to use any title, emblem, or description.
shall be made except with the assent of the Chairman of the Committee.

In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Committee shall have a casting vote.

2. The Statutory Committee may make regulations as to the procedure to be followed by them in exercising the jurisdiction conferred on them by this Act, but no such regulation shall have effect until confirmed by the Privy Council and the Privy Council may confirm any such regulation either with or without modifications:

Provided that where the Privy Council propose to confirm the regulations with modifications the Privy Council shall inform the Committee of the proposed modifications and give to them a reasonable opportunity of making any observations with respect thereto, and shall, before finally confirming the regulations, take into consideration any observations so made.

3. Every regulation made and confirmed under this Schedule shall be laid before each House of Parliament for a period of thirty days during the Session of Parliament and if an Address is presented to His Majesty by either House of Parliament before the expiration of that period praying that the regulation may he annulled it shall thenceforth he void but without, prejudice to the validity of anything previously done there-under or to the making of any new regulation."

The noble Lord said: This sets out the proceedings of the Statutory Committee.

Amendment moved— Page 24, line 11, after the First Schedule insert the said new Schedule.—(Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede.)


May I draw attention to the fact that if the member of the Statutory Committee appointed by the Privy Council happens to be ill the Board cannot sit? It cannot have a quorum unless the Chairman is present, and the Chairman is defined as the member appointed by the Privy Council.

Remaining Schedule agreed to.

Title agreed to.