HL Deb 25 March 1931 vol 80 cc507-8

My Lords, I do not know if it is convenient, before the House adjourns, that I should ask the noble Lord who is leading the House whether or not there is any change proposed in the hour of meetings to-morrow having regard to the number of Amendments which are down for the Pharmacy and Poisons Bill.


My Lords, I am much obliged to the noble Viscount. It has been suggested that it would be for the convenience of the House if, instead of meeting at a quarter past four o'clock to-morrow, the House were to meet at three o'clock. It is hoped in that way to dispense with the necessity of any late sitting. On Friday the House would meet at 11.30 in the morning to take the formal stages of the Consolidated Fund Bill, and there would be a Royal Commission, which has been fixed for 12 o'clock noon. After that the House would adjourn until Tuesday, April 21. We are expecting every moment a, Message from the Commons with an urgent Bill—the House of Commons (Disqualification) Bill. As your Lordships may be aware, it is a Bill which raises no point of controversy, and it is very necessary that it should become law without delay. If your Lordships would not mind adjourning during pleasure while we are awaiting this Bill I should be obliged. We are expecting the Bill from the Commons every moment. I venture to suggest, therefore, that the House should adjourn during pleasure, and resume merely to take the first stage of the Bill to which I have referred.


My Lords, it so happens that, although I have not seen the precise terms of this Bill, I have read in the public Press something about it. I think it deals with a matter which came to my attention when I was a Law Officer, and with regard to which there is a real danger of great injustice being done to some unfortunate people who are members in another place. I think probably the suggestion which the noble Lord has made would be a convenient course.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.