HL Deb 28 July 1931 vol 81 cc1281-2

Clause 25, page 25, line 2, leave out from ("1918") to ("on") in line 3.

Clause 25, page 25, line 4, leave out from ("department") to ("a") in line 5.

The Commons disagree to the above Amendments for the following Reason:

Because it is desirable that the existing powers of the Department in relation to the creation of small holdings should be made available for the settlement of unemployed, persons, agricultural workers, and ex-members of His Majesty's Forces on the land.

VISCOUNT HAILSHAM moved that this House doth not insist on its Amendments, but proposes the following Amendment in lieu thereof: Page 25, line 5, after "person" insert "with the consent of that person". The noble Viscount said: My Lords, the Amendment I have proposed will be found at the back of the page of Amendments standing in my name. The object, as I explained before, is to ensure that in Scotland, when the small holdings are set up on land which does not belong to the Department, it shall only be done with the consent of the owner. It meets, I think, the point to which my noble friends from Scotland attached importance.

Moved, That this House doth not insist upon the said Amendments, but proposes an Amendment in lieu thereof.—(Viscount Hailsham.)

On Question, Motion agreed to: the said Amendments not insisted upon, but another Amendment made in lieu thereof.