HL Deb 29 May 1930 vol 77 c1181

Page 2, leave out lines 31 to 36.


My Lords, the words which this Amendment proposes to omit are those by which, if a patient received as a voluntary boarder who has given seventy-two hours' notice in writing of his intention to leave is not allowed to leave at the expiration of the notice, he shall be entitled to recover as liquidated damages from the person in charge £10 for each day or part of a day during which he is detained. The omission of these words, which was moved by Sir Boyd Merriman, has the effect of leaving the damages at large at the discretion of the Court. The Government have no objection to the Amendment, and I beg to move that it be approved.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Earl Russell.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.