HL Deb 31 July 1930 vol 78 c1183

Clause 73, page 61, line 32, leave out from ("authorise") to ("or") in line 6, page 62, and insert ("any person to do any work on, over, or under, or to use for any purpose any tidal lands or any lands belonging to His Majesty in right of the Crown, the Duchy of Lancaster, the Duchy of Cornwall, or any Government Department, except—

  1. (i) with the consent of the owner of the land; and
  2. (ii) in the case of tidal lands, with the consent also of the Board of Trade; and
  3. (iii) in any case otherwise than in accordance with the approved plans and sections and subject to the prescribed restrictions and conditions;
so, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall apply to work clone in maintaining existing works on tidal lands, or on land not in the occupation of His Majesty, the Duke of Cornwall, or a Government Department.")

EARL DE LA WARR moved that this Amendment be agreed to with the following Amendments:—

line 5, after ("Crown") insert ("or of")

line 6, after ("Lancaster") insert ("to")

line 6, after ("or") insert ("to").

The noble Earl said: My Lords, these are purely drafting Amendments, and beg to move them.

Amendments to the Commons Amendment moved—

line 5, after ("Crown") insert ("or of")

line 6, after ("Lancaster") insert ("to")

line 6, after ("or") insert ("to").—(Earl De La Warr.)

On Question, Amendments to the Amendment agreed to.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment, as amended.—(Earl De La Warr.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.