HL Deb 30 July 1930 vol 78 cc1018-9

My Lords, I think it will be for the convenience of the House if I make a short announcement with respect to Private Bill procedure. You will probably notice that the House of Commons have made certain alterations in their Private Bill Standing Orders. A very large number of these points do not affect your Lordships' procedure, but there is an important alteration made in the time-table, with which I am entirely in agreement. In principle it amounts to advancing the dates on which Bills are deposited in Parliament with some consequential alterations in other dates. It is too late in the Session now to ask your Lordships to make similar alterations in your Standing Orders, but I wish to give notice that as soon as convenient after the opening of next Session I shall put down a Motion to effect a similar change of time-table in your Lordships' Standing Orders. This change will, of course, therefore apply to Bills which will be presented at the end of this year.