HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc896-7

Clause 96, page 71, line 7, after ("made") insert ("by the Minister").

Clause 96, page 71, line 15, leave out ("new regulations") and insert ("a new regulation").

Clause 96, page 71, line 21, leave out ("regulations") and insert ("regulation").

Clause 96, page 71, line 21, after ("made") insert ("by the Minister").

Clause 97, page 71, line 34, after ("lends") insert ("to").

Clause 97, page 71, line 38, leave out ("within the meaning of") and insert ("under").

Page 72, line 4, leave out ("with or without hard labour").

Page 72, line 5, leave out ("twelve months") and insert ("two years").

Page 72, line 7, leave out ("three") and insert ("four").

Page 72, line 23, leave out ("fifty") and insert ("one hundred").

Page 72, line 33, leave out ("previously") and insert ("the document has been previously returned to him or he has previously been").

Clause 98, page 73, line 11, leave out subsection (3).

Clause 98, page 73, line 26, after ("required") insert ("aforesaid").


My Lords, these are all drafting Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.