HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc875-6

Page 47, line 6, leave out ("creating a new traffic area") and insert ("increasing or reducing the number of traffic areas")

Page 47, line 8 leave out from ("forthwith") to end of the subsection and insert ("but shall not have effect until it has lain upon the Table of each House of Parliament for a period of not less than twenty-eight days during which the House has sat, and, if either House during that period presents an Address to His Majesty praying that the order may be annulled, the order shall not come into force, but without prejudice to the making of a new order")


My Lords, this is an alteration of the subsection to provide that an order which alters the boundaries of a traffic area shall not come into effect until it has been twenty-eight days on the Table of the House. I beg to move that we agree with these Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Earl Russell.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.