HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc854-6

Clause 46, page 39, line 24, leave out from the beginning to end of line 2 on page 40 and insert:

("(1) Subject to and in conformity with such general or other directions as may be given by the Minister a highway authority may cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on or near any road in their area:

(2) Traffic signs shall be of the prescribed size, colour, and type except where the Minister authorises the erection of a sign of another character:

(3) After the commencement no traffic signs shall be placed any road except under and in with the preceding provisions of this section: Provided that")

Page 40, line 4, leave out ("signal, direction post, sign or device erected") and insert ("traffic sign")

Page 40, line 5, leave out ("or displayed")

Page 40, line 6, after ("tramway") insert ("light railway or trolley vehicle undertaking any dock undertaking or any harbour undertaking")

Page 40, line 10, leave out from ("which") to ("or") in line 12 and insert ("there is any traffic sign")

Page 40, line 13, leave out ("prescribed,") and insert ("traffic")

leave out ("or signal")

Page 40, line 14, leave out ("or signal is erected or displayed")

Page 40, line 15, leave out from the first ("it") to ("and,") in line 16.

Page 40, line 20, at end insert:

("Provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply in the case of any sign or object so long as its retention is expressly authorised by the highway authority.")

Page 40, line 22, leave out ("require") and insert ("cause")

Page 40, line 22, leave out from ("any") to the second ("or") in line 23 and insert ("traffic sign")

Page 40, line 25, leave out ("and if the") and insert: ("(5) A bridge authority shall, if so directed by the Minister, remove, or cause to be removed, any notice in respect of the use of a bridge placed under any Act or Order repealed by this Act, or by any Order under this Act:

(6) If a")

Page 40, line 25, after ("highway") insert ("or bridge")

Page 40, line 26, leave out ("such")

Page 40, line 26, after ("direction") insert ("given under either of the preceding subsections")

Page 40, line 28, leave out ("highway")

Page 40, line 30, after ("highway") insert ("or bridge")

Page 40, line 33, at end insert: ("(8) In tins Part of this Act, the expression 'traffic sign,' includes all signals, warning sign posts, direction posts, signs, or other devices for the guidance or direction of persons using roads; and in this section the expression 'highway authority' includes any person responsible for the maintenance of a road.")

Clause 47, page 40, line 34, leave out from ("constable") to ("is") in line 35.

Clause 47, page 40, line 37, leave out from ("any") in line 40 and insert ("traffic sign being a sign for regulating the movement of traffic or indicating the route to be followed by traffic, has been lawfully placed on or near any road in accordance with the provisions of the last preceding section")

Clause 47, page 40, line 43, leave out ("or other person so authorised")

Page 41, line 1, after ("or") insert ("(b) fails")

Page 41, line 2, leave out ("signal or")

Page 41, line 3, leave out ("aforesaid")

Page 41, Clause 48, page 41, line 7, after ("or") insert ("in")

Page 41, line 9, leave out from ("offence") to end of clause.

Clause 50, page 41, line 24, after ("forestry") insert ("building operations")


My Lords, the whole of these Amendments are drafting.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Ponsonby of Sulbrede.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.