HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc863-4

After Clause 53, page 43, insert the following new clause:

Power of certain authorities as to refuges and subways.

(".The council of an urban district as respects any road in their area (subject, however, in the case of a county road not vested in them, to the consent of the county council) and a highway authority as respects any road vested in them may, for the purpose of protecting traffic along the road from danger or of making the crossing of any road less dangerous to foot passengers, erect, light, maintain, alter and remove place of refuge in the road, and construct, light, maintain, alter, remove and temporarily close subways under the road for the use of foot passengers.")


My Lords, this clause was originally in the Bill. It was a Privilege clause as a matter of fact and went down to the other House in that form. It has, however, been slightly amended so as to make it clear that an urban authority may erect refuges or construct subways on all county roads in its area, and not merely those which are "claimed" under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1929. The clause as it now stands in this respect conforms to the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1929, and enables local authorities to deal with roads in their area whether they claim them or not.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Earl Russell.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.