HL Deb 02 July 1930 vol 78 c245

My Lords, the Motion with reference to Standing Orders that appears in my name on the Paper deals with a very small point regarding the manner in which consents to Estate Bills are signified to your Lordships. I think that the proposals here made will work quite as efficiently as the present system, and more conveniently. Unless your Lordships desire that I should explain this small change at length, I will satisfy myself by moving that this Motion be agreed to.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relative to Private Bills be amended as follows:—

163. After ("aforesaid") insert ("the consent of")

Leave out ("consent thereto before") and insert ("be proved to the satisfaction of")

166 and 167. Leave out the Orders.—(The Earl of Donoughmore.)

On Question, Motion agreed to and ordered accordingly.

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