HL Deb 05 March 1929 vol 73 cc1-2

My Lords, before we begin business I wish to ask the noble Marquess the Leader of the House if he can tell us up to what time he expects us to sit in connection with the discussion of the Amendments on the Local Government Bill. I only wish to ask this because we desire that full time should be given for discussion of a good many points. I should like to know whether he proposes, or whether he thinks it will be necessary to sit late on any particular evening to ensure that there is ample time for the discussion of Amendments.


My Lords, I need not say that I quite agree with the noble Lord that ample time should be given to your Lordships to discuss the Amendments which you think it right to bring forward. There is a very long list of Amendments already and I am informed that Amendments come in every day and almost every hour of the day. Therefore we are not yet able to say accurately what is exactly in store for us. I do not suggest that your Lordships should sit after dinner to-night because no notice has been given of that proceeding and it is a little hard on noble Lords to make a sudden proposal of that kind, but I feel no doubt that your Lordships will think it right to sit after dinner to-morrow and after dinner on Thursday, and indeed always after dinner until we get through the Committee stage.


My Lords, I am much obliged to the noble Marquess. I myself think it is a great convenience to know beforehand when a late sitting is suggested and I am glad to know that he proposes that course.

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