HL Deb 27 March 1928 vol 70 cc608-9

My Lords, I beg to move the next Motion which stands in my name upon the Paper. I can explain the reason for this Motion in a few sentences. Your Lordships are aware that it is the practice in gas legislation to set up a system known as the sliding scale under which the price of gas and the dividends are regulated. During the last two years a new system has been brought before Parliament, which I will not explain at any length but will content myself with mentioning its name: it is known as the basic price system. I understand that the public Department that advises Parliament on this and kindred subjects, the Board of Trade, are very anxious to put certain facts before Parliament in connection with this basic price system before it is further extended. This Bill raises that point of the basic price system and there is a Bill before the House of Commons which raises the same point. It is obviously necessary therefore that the procedure I propose should be followed in regard to both Bills.

Moved, That it is expedient that the Bill be referred to a Joint Committee of both Houses of Parliament.—(The Earl of Donoughmore.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Commons to communicate this Resolution, and to desire their concurrence.