HL Deb 07 February 1928 vol 70 c4

My Lords, it may be for the convenience of your Lordships if I say one or two words about business inasmuch as there are of course no notices of Motions upon the Paper as yet. I understand that the noble Lord opposite is about to give notice of a Motion calling attention to the last sittings of the League of Nations at Geneva and to the Treaty with Iraq, and these matters will, of course, come before the House. I should like to take the opportunity of saying that I understand that the House of Commons will resolve itself to-morrow into Committee for the purpose of considering a memorial to the late Field-Marshal Earl Haig, and that will be the occasion in the House of Commons of making such reference to his lamentable death as may be thought right. It will probably be thought convenient that the same day should be accepted in your Lordships' House for a similar purpose, and opportunity would serve at the beginning of business to-morrow. I propose that we should follow that plan. There will be no Motion in your Lordships' House though there will be a Motion in the House of Commons.