HL Deb 19 May 1927 vol 67 cc369-70

Order of the Day read for the House to be put into Committee on re-commitment of the Bill.


My Lords, in moving that you should resolve yourselves into Committee on re-commitment of the Royal Albert Hall Bill, I think I can save your time by reading a letter sent to my colleague in the office, which I think brings this matter up-to-date. It is written by the Parliamentary agent for the Bill, Mr. Berry, and it says:— I have heard from the solicitors instructing us that the Council at a meeting yesterday decided unanimously to proceed with this Bill subject to the recommendations of the Select Committee of the House of Lords and at a subsequent meeting of the members of the Corporation they unanimously approved this decision. I think that will be a satisfactory announcement to your Lordships.

I ought to add this. It has been indicated to me that at the first blush two uncertainties as to the intentions of the Select Committee occur. It is suggested that five members should be added to the Council. The promoters are anxious, in their anxiety to carry out the intentions of the Committee, to know whether that means five additional members or five members appointed by the bodies concerned in place of five existing members. The second point is this: These outside bodies are to appoint five members of the Council. They are anxious to know whether they are to appoint members of their own body or any individual they choose from outside. Lord Esher is not here to-day, but several other members of the Select Committee are here, and I think they would help the subsequent smooth working of these things if they would say what the Select Committee intended.

Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into Committee.—(The Earl of Donoughmore.)


My Lords, I regret that Lord Esher is unable to be present this afternoon. Not having been Chairman of the Committee, I cannot speak with the same authority, but I can assure the Lord Chairman that we have heard with great satisfaction the statement which he has been able to make, and especially the letter which has reached him from the Council of the Albert Hall Corporation. On the two points which have been raised, I think I can say with assurance that the members to be added to the Council were to be in addition to the existing body, and we so meant by our recommendation, and obviously they were to be members also of the bodies named to make the appointments. I think those are the points on which the Lord Chairman has asked for explanation, so far as I am authorised to make it.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

House in Committee accordingly: Amendments proposed by the Select Committee made.