HL Deb 25 July 1927 vol 68 cc856-7

Clause 35, page 18, line 39, leave out ("the") and insert ("every").

Clause 35, page 19, line 3, leave out ("the") and insert ("any").

Clause 38, page 20, line 35, at end insert the following new clause:—

Power to employ poor persons on cultivation of land.

(". A board of guardians may employ and set to work in the cultivation of land acquired by them for the purpose such persons as the board are by this Act required to set to work, and may pay to the persons so employed by them who are not in receipt of other relief reasonable wages for their work, and the persons so employed shall have the like remedies for the recovery of their wages as other agricultural labourers.")

Clause 117, page 59, line 18, leave out from ("that") to the end of the clause, and insert:—

  1. "(a) where before the commencement of this Act an application has been made to justices or to the Minister to determine any question in relation to the settlement or removal of any person, that question shall in all stages of the proceedings be determined as if this Act had not been passed; and
  2. (b) where any such question has been determined before the commencement of this Act, and an application to determine a question relating to the settlement or removal of the same person and dependent on the same facts is made after the commencement of this Act by or against a board of guardians not bound by the previous decision, the question on that application shall be determined as if this Act had not been passed."

Clause 245, page 125, line 4, leave out ("July") and insert ("October").


My Lords, in moving that we agree with the Commons Amendments, I might say that all the Amendments on this Bill were either moved or accepted by the Government on the ground that the points dealt with in them will reproduce the existing law more accurately. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Viscount Gage.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.