HL Deb 14 June 1926 vol 64 c395

LORD NEWTON had given Notice to ask if any communications had passed between His Majesty's Government and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics with reference to the money which has been sent into this country in aid of the coal strike, and if so, whether their purport can be stated. The noble Lord said: My Lords, I am extremely sorry that the House should have been brought together under false pretences, but I should like to explain that it was not my fault. When I put this Question on the Paper no objection was raised by anybody on behalf of the Government but, only an hour or two ago, I received a message asking me to put it off until Thursday next, when, I understand, a simultaneous statement will be made in both Houses.


My Lords, I am very grateful to my noble friend for having been courteous enough to postpone this Question. The House, I am sure, will appreciate that in the circumstances it would have been hardly appropriate for us to discuss the matter at this stage, not merely because there is to be a debate later in the House of Commons, but because the subject will probably come before His Majesty's Government on Wednesday next.

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