HL Deb 29 July 1926 vol 65 cc340-1

Schedule, page 3, line 30, leave out from the first ("persons") to ("or") in line 32.


My Lords, this is quite a small Amendment. It was decided in another place to omit from Clause 3 (4) of the Schedule the words "or persons attending any conference or meeting held in the borough and convened by any association or society." The original clause enabled the Cor- porations concerned to defray expenses which had been incurred for that purpose out of Corporation funds. The Committee on unopposed Bills in another place, although there was a precedent for the granting of such powers, considered it unusual and undesirable. They therefore proposed to leave out the words in question. The Minister of Health accepts that proposal and I accordingly move that the Amendment be agreed to.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Viscount Gage.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.