HL Deb 13 July 1926 vol 64 cc1051-2

Amendments reported (according to Order).

Clause 1:

Appointment of Commissioners.

(2) If and whenever a vacancy occurs among the Commissioners, it shall be lawful for His Majesty to appoint a person to fill the vacancy, but the name of every person so appointed shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within ten days after the appointment, if Parliament be then sitting, or, if not, then within ten days after the next sitting of Parliament.

THE EARL OF AIRLIE moved to leave out subsection (2) and insert: (2) If and whenever a vacancy occurs among the Commissioners, His Majesty may by Order in Council appoint a person to fill the vacancy, but every such order shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament, within ten days after it is made if Parliament be then sitting, or, if not, then within ten days after the next sitting of Parliament. The noble Earl said: This Amendment is purely a drafting one and in no way affects the substance of the Bill. The words of the subsection in the Bill as it stands follow precedent, but the view is taken that the expression as to laying the name before Parliament is not very proper. The Amendment therefore proposes, in effect, that it shall be lawful for His Majesty, by Order in Council, to appoint a person to fill the vacancy, and that the Order shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament with the name included. As this is a more satisfactory method of procedure I hope your Lordships will accept this Amendment.

Amendment moved— Page 2, line 22, leave out subsection (2) and insert the said new subsection.—(The Earl of Airlie.)