HL Deb 15 December 1926 vol 65 cc1688-9

Page 35, line 17, at end insert new clause:

Use of electricity by port undertakings, &c.

(". Notwithstanding anything contained in any Act or Order, electricity supplied by any authorised undertaker to any company, body or person owning or working an undertaking being a port, dock or harbour may be used for all or any of the purposes of such undertaking or any part thereof.")

The Commons disagree to the above Amendment for the following Reason: "Because the provisions of the new clause taken in conjunction with the provisions for the inter-connection of the systems of various electricity undertakers are sufficient to safeguard the interests of dock and harbour authorities.


My Lords, the next, and I think the last, Amendment has reference to the use of electricity by port undertakings. I accepted this clause, as the noble Lord knows, on the understanding that it must take its chance in another place. It affects London only, I believe. There were special sections in the Acts of 1925, and I am informed that this Amendment would have the effect of over-riding those sections and upsetting, therefore, a settlement which was made only last year. On that account I am inclined to ask your Lordships not to insist upon the Amendment. On the technical ground of distribution, as the stations in London under the scheme will be interconnected there is really no necessity to safeguard the Port of London in any other way, and in case of a break-down supplies could be received by it from the general system. On these grounds I move that your Lordships do not insist upon your Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth not insist upon the said Amendment.—(Viscount Peel.)


My Lord, I moved this clause into the Bill on the Committee stage on behalf of the Dock and Harbour Authorities Association generally, but particularly on behalf of the Port of London. The object was to relieve dock and harbour authorities and particularly the Port of London Authority from the monopoly enjoyed by certain municipalities in regard to the supply of electricity in clock areas, a monopoly which was grossly abused in the General Strike last May. I did not think that the railway clause which is referred to in the Commons Reasons would apply to dock and harbour authorities, but the opinion is expressed here that it does so apply. Although I still think that, the provisions of the railway clause do not give proper safeguards to dock and harbour authorities I must be content with this expression of opinion on behalf of the Government and I shall not press the matter any further.

On Question, Motion agreed to.