HL Deb 15 December 1926 vol 65 c1682

Page 3, line 8, at, end insert: ("(11) Where the chairman or other member of the Board becomes disqualified for holding office or is absent from the meetings of the Board for snore than six months consecutively, except for some reason approved by the Minister of Transport, or fails to comply with the foregoing provisions, of this section, the Minister of Transport shall forthwith declare the office to be vacant, and shall notify the fact in such manner as he thinks fit, and thereupon the office shall become vacant.")

The Commons disagree to the above amendment and propose the following Amendment in lieu thereof:

Page 2, line 17, ("( ) Where the chairman or other member of the Board becomes disqualified for holding office or is absent from the meetings of the Board for more than six months consecutively, except for some reason approved by the Minister of Transport, or fails to comply with the foregoing provisions of this section, the Minister of Transport shall forthwith declare the office to be vacant, and shall notify the fact in such manner as he thinks fit, and thereupon the office shall become vacant.")


My Lords, this Amendment is not at all important. It is only putting a paragraph in another place, and is therefore really a matter of drafting. I move that your Lordships do not insist on your Amendment, and agree to the Commons Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth not insist upon its Amendment, and agrees with the Commons in the Amendment proposed in lieu thereof.—(Viscount Peel.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.