§ And afterwards His Majesty's most gracious Speech was delivered to both Houses of Parliament by the Lord Chancellor (in pursuance of His Majesty's Command) as followeth—
§ "My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,
§ "I have had great pleasure in acceding to the wishes of My Ministers in the Commonwealth of Australia that My Son and Daughter-in-Law should visit Australia for the inauguration of the new Federal Capital at Canberra. They will extend their visit, to New Zealand at the invitation of My Ministers in that Dominion, and in the course of their journeys will also be able to see several of the Colonies. The occasion of thus personally renewing the ties of affection which unite My Family with the peoples of the different parts of the Empire will, I know, be as welcome to the Duke and Duchess of York to-day as it was to the Queen and Myself more than twenty-five years ago.
§ "I have rejoiced at the opportunity given by the recent meeting of the Imperial Conference to welcome in London so many of My Ministers from the Dominions, and the Representatives of the Empire of India. The report of the proceedings of the Conference, which has recently been presented to you, bears eloquent testimony to the spirit of goodwill and mutual understanding which marked its deliberations. I am confident that its work will prove of lasting value to all parts of My Empire.
§ "The situation in China is being watched by My Government with the closest attention. Our Country is animated by strong sympathy for that vast majority of the Chinese people whose aspirations are for settled conditions, for a new era of prosperity and far friendly relations with the foreign Powers.
§ "Members of the Hove of Commons.
§ "I thank you for the provision you have made for the public service."
§ "My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,
§ "During the greater part of the present year the Nation has lived in the 1710 shadow of the most protracted and ruinous industrial conflict in its history. When last addressing you I expressed the earnest hope that the Report of the Commissioners upon the economic condition of the coal industry would, with the willing co-operation of all concerned, pave the way to a peaceful solution of this great social and economic problem. This hope was not fulfilled. It remains to us now to unite in effacing all bitter memories of the past, and to set our eyes steadfastly upon the future, inspired by a common impulse towards genuine fellowship and sustained endeavour, upon which alone the prosperity and happiness of My People can be firmly based.
§ "The improvement in housing accommodation continues. A larger number of new houses have been completed than in any previous year. In order to snake available to rural workers further and better accommodation at rents adapted to their means Parliament has provided from public moneys grants for the reconstruction of existing houses and buildings in rural areas.
§ "By the passing of the Electricity (Supply) Bill an important and overdue step has been taken towards extending the provision of electrical energy throughout Great Britain.
§ "I have given assent to a measure to provide in suitable cases for mar King imported agricultural produce and manufactured goods with an indication of origin. This measure will enable the purchasing community to give a preference to goods and produce of this country and of other parts of the Empire.
§ "A Bill has also been passed for preventing short weight and measure in the retail sale of foodstuffs.
§ "Bills have also been passed to unify and simplify the rating system of Scotland and to extend the right of appeal in criminal cases in Scotland.
§ "A number of Bills relating to the agricultural industry have received My assent, including a measure to extend facilities for small and cottage holdings.
§ "It is My earnest prayer that the blessing of the Almighty may rest upon all your past and coming labours."
1711§ Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.
§ After which the LORD CHANCELLOR said:
§ My LORDS, AND MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS,—By virtue of His Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in His Majesty's name and in obedience to His Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Tuesday, the eighth day of February, One thousand 1712 nine hundred and twenty-seven, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday, the eighth day of February, One thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven.
§ End of the Second Session of the Thirty-fourth Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the seventeenth year of the Reign of His Majesty King George V.