HL Deb 02 August 1926 vol 65 c400

My Lords, would it be convenient to the noble Earl who is leading the House if I asked him whether he could make any statement as to the course of business to-morrow and after?


My Lords, I understand that there is every hope if things go well that the proceedings before the adjournment will be concluded on Wednesday morning, and that the Royal Assent will be given, by arrangement with the Commons. That, perhaps optimistic, but I hope not too optimistic, statement of policy depends, of course, upon our getting through the Bill which is already before your Lordships. That will require, I think, in fact I am sure it will require, the suspension of the Standing Orders to-morrow; so that to-morrow we shall be able to take the Report stage and the Third Reading of the Mining Industry Bill which in a moment or two will occupy your Lordships' attention, and also certain other very important Bills which are not very likely to be discussed in this House—the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill and the various financial measures, as well as the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill. But the only measure which is likely to raise any discussion in your Lordships' House is the one which comes on immediately for consideration in Committee to-day, and in order to finish that in time to carry out the programme I have sketched to your Lordships, I shall have to ask you to suspend the Standing Orders to-morrow.


My Lords, in the circumstances we shall make no difficulty about the suspension of Standing Orders.

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