HL Deb 20 April 1926 vol 63 cc849-50

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, this Bill was introduced by a private Member in the House of Commons and was supported by members from all Parties. On the Second Reading the Secretary for Scotland stated that it was the outcome of a conference held in Edinburgh of the allotment holders' societies and that it received the fullest support of the Government. The Bill passed without opposition in the other place. The object of the Bill, which corresponds to one of the provisions of the English Bill which was passed in 1925, is to enable local authorities to incur expenditure within the limits of the produce of a penny rate for the provision of allotments. At present, under Section 16 of the Allotments (Scotland) Act, 1922, they are required to limit their expenditure to the amount that they may reasonably expect to obtain by way of revenue in respect of allotments. This Bill is purely permissive and, to remove any doubts on this point, the words "if they deem it expedient" were inserted in Committee in the third line of Clause 1. It is hoped that this Bill, by enabling local authorities who cannot at present provide allotments at rents within the means of those who need them to spend, if they think fit, a limited amount out of rates on the provision of allotments, will prove useful in supporting and stimulating the allotment movement, with all the benefits which it confers, particularly in urban communities.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.—(The Duke of Sutherland.)

On Question, Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House.