HL Deb 04 March 1925 vol 60 c381

Read 3a (according to Order).

Schedule: (4) The arbiters shall at the cost of the County Council or District Committee (including the fees and costs of the arbiters) cause to be erected and thence forward maintained during a period of seven years such number of rain gauges and in such positions upon the drainage area of the Lyne Reservoir as they shall think fit and within six months after the termination of the said seven years they shall determine the amount of the available rainfall on the said area and the County Council or District Committee shall thereafter in lieu of the amount of compensation water hereinbefore specified permit to How or shall deliver regularly and continuously into the Lyne Water from the said reservoir a uniform daily quantity of water equivalent in every year to two-sevenths of the said available rainfall:

Amendments moved— In the Schedule, page 15, line 5, leave out ("a period of") and insert ("the"), and after ("years") insert ("next following the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-five").—(Lord Balfour of Burleigh.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.

Bill passed; and returned to the Commons.