HL Deb 21 July 1925 vol 62 c218

The Committee approved a proposal to assign Committee Room 1A in the upper corridor as a Library for the personal use of the Lord Chancellor in conjunction with the premises which he occupies at present as a residence.

It was agreed that if experience should show that serious inconvenience might result from this change, the room should be restored to use as a Committee room, and that in my case the anteroom and lavatory adjacent to the mom should not be included, but should be retained for their present use; further, that if at any time the rooms now occupied by the Lord Chancellor should cease to be the Lord Chancellor's residence, this room should revert automatically to use as a Committee room.

The Committee consider that more use might he made of the new Committee rooms D, E and F referred to in the Reports of the House of Lords Offices Committee of 16th December, 1919, and 9th August, 1921, and they recommended that more convenient access should be provided by alteration of the existing dummy bookcase door at the end of the Library corridor.

Committee Room D can be suitably fitted up with the furniture available from Committee Room 1A.

The question as to whether any extra protection of the premises of the House may be necessary as a result of these changes may be referred to the proper authorities for consideration and Settlement.