HL Deb 15 December 1925 vol 62 cc1462-3

Provisions of Explosives Act, 1875, incorporated with Modifications.

1. The Secretary of State may make regulations as to the conveyance of petroleum spirit by road, and in particular for declaring or regulating any of the following matters; that is to say,— (3) Fixing the places and times at which the petroleum spirit is to be loaded or unloaded, and the quantity to be loaded or unloaded or conveyed at one time or in one carriage; and

LORD DESBOROUGH moved, in paragraph (3), to leave out from the first "the"to "conveyed," and to insert "quantity of petroleum spirit which may be". The noble Lord said: My Lords, this and two other small Amendments, which appear in my name, are intended to meet points raised by the London County Council, and the Home Office have no objection to them. So long as the Home Office can regulate quantity, they have no objection to the questions of time and place remaining in the care of the London County Council, who rather fear that the powers may possibly overlap. The Amendments which follow are also designed to meet objections raised by the London County Council on the question of fire arising from petroleum. They fear that without. the Amendment the jurisdiction may be rather wide and will not refer to petroleum spirit alone. Here, too, the Home Office have no objection. I beg to move.

Amendment moved— Page 6, line 5, leave out from the first ("the") to ("conveyed") in line 7 and insert ("quantity of petroleum spirit which may be").—(Lord Desborough.)

Amendments moved—

Page 6, line 37, after ("shall") insert ("if the explosion or fire involved petroleum spirit")

Page 6, line 46, after ("shall") insert ("if the explosion or fire involved petroleum spirit").—(Lord Desborough.)

Privilege Amendments made.

Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.