HL Deb 06 August 1925 vol 62 cc765-6

[The references are to Bill No. 180.]

Clause 13, page 8, line 17, leave out ("and")

Clause 13, page 8, line 18, after ("Scotland") insert ("and the Clerk to the Association of Education Authorities in Scotland")

Schedule, page 10, line 3, leave out ("thirty-three") and insert ("thirty-four")

Schedule, page 10, line 4, leave out ("sixteen") and insert ("seventeen")

Schedule, page 10, line 25, at end insert ("one of whom at least shall he representative of organised labour")

Schedule, page 10, line 27, leave out ("six") and insert ("seven")

Schedule, page 10, line 30, leave out ("and")

Schedule, page 10, line 31, after ("Scotland") insert ("and one by the Association of Education Authorities in Scotland")

Schedule, page 10, line 32, leave out ("thirty-three") and insert ("thirty-four").


My Lords, while there are quite a number of small Amendments to consider I think it will be convenient if I explain in a few words their effect. They are mainly drafting Amendments. The effect is simply that the Library Board shall consist of thirty-four instead of thirty-three members, as originally proposed, and that the additional member shall be appointed by the Association of Education Authorities in Scotland, a body analogous to the Association of County Councils in England. It is felt that the presence of a representative of organised educational interests cannot but be to the advantage of the Board. The other Amendment, in substance, is that one of the five members of the Board who are to be appointed on the recommendation of the Secretary for Scotland shall be a representative of organised labour, and in that connection also it is felt that the change cannot but be beneficial. I therefore beg to move that the Commons Amendments be agreed to.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.— (Lord Balfour of Burleigh.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.