HL Deb 27 May 1924 vol 57 cc687-8

My Lords, may I ask His Majesty's Government whether they intend to introduce legislation to regulate street trading? At the end of last Session I introduced a Bill for the regulation of street trading within the Metropolitan Police, district, and to authorise the adoption of its provisions in certain other areas of England and Wales. That Bill was the embodiment of the recommendations of a Departmental Committee, and it was not intended at the time to proceed with it forthwith. It was introduced to invite criticism and comment, and it certainly received a great deal of attention from those interested in the matter on one side or the other, from those who supported its adoption and from those who were strongly opposed to it. My object in asking this Question of His Majesty's Government is to learn whether they intend to do anything in the matter, and to proceed with this, or a similar Bill, to carry out the recommendations of the Departmental Committee.


My Lords, the noble Earl who has just sat down had a good deal to do with this matter. He will probably agree with me when I say that it is a very difficult subject, and a subject in which one must proceed with the greatest caution. The Secretary of State, however, is now in process of considering representations from the various interests immediately concerned. He has recently received a deputation from the National Chamber of Trade and other associations of shopkeepers representing particular trades, and he hopes shortly to receive a deputation representing street traders. In those circumstances it would be premature to make a positive statement as to the intentions of the Government until the Secretary of State has had an opportunity of receiving and considering the representations which are being addressed to him.