HL Deb 21 May 1924 vol 57 c556

My Lords, I beg to ask His Majesty's Government if they will lay on the Table the correspondence which has passed between them and the Dominions and India in regard to the provision of improved Empire wireless telegraphic facilities?


My Lords, the answer with which I have been furnished from the Post Office is as follows. The Government fully recognise the importance of improving the facilities for wireless telegraphic communication, and since the present Government came into office a Commission has been appointed of an advisory character who have presented a Report. The Report of this Committee has been published, and those of your Lordships who are interested in the subject have probably seen it. The recommendations made in that Report have been communicated to the Dominions and correspondence with them is still proceeding. His Majesty's Government do not think it desirable at the present stage to lay the correspondence on the Table, but a statement upon the subject will presently be made and the question as to whether Papers should be laid can be dealt with at that time. It will be borne in mind that in any event the correspondence with the Dominions can only be published with the assent of the various Governments concerned.