HL Deb 08 July 1924 vol 58 c281

My Lords, I desire, with your Lordships permission, to make a very brief personal statement. On the occasion of the first day of the Second Reading debate on the Liquor (Popular Control) Bill I spoke in opposition to the Bill. I then stated that I had never been connected with the trade. I have since been reminded that some thirty odd years ago I was chairman of a brewery company in the West of England which, I am sorry to say, was not a very successful one, though that was no fault of mine or of my colleagues. But, of course, it rendered the statement which I made to your Lordships wholly inaccurate. I hope that I need not assure your Lordships that I did it without any desire to give your Lordships wrong information, and I desire now to correct it and to apologise to your Lordships for having made a statement which was inaccurate.

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