HL Deb 06 August 1924 vol 59 cc469-70

Clause 17, page 21, line 6, leave out ("twenty-seven") and insert ("thirty").

The Commons have amended this Amendment as follows:

Leave out (" thirty ") and insert (" twenty-eight ").


My Lords, I beg to move that the Amendment of the Commons to the Lords Amendment be accepted. The question arises, as your Lordships may know, on the matter of the date. Originally the date was November, 1927, but your Lordships altered it to the end of 1930. The Commons propose to leave out " thirty " and to insert " twenty-eight." If that Amendment is accepted, there is an end of the matter. No doubt it is a compromise, and accordingly I propose that the Amendment be accepted, and that " twenty-eight " be inserted instead of " thirty."

Moved, That this House doth not insist upon its Amendment but agrees with the Commons in their Amendment to the Lords Amendment.—(Lord Parmoor.)


My Lords, no doubt the proposal put forward by the Government regarding the Amendment to your Lordships' Amendment which has been carried in another place is intended as a compromise, as the noble Lord has said. I feel disposed, on the whole, to urge your Lordships to regard it in that spirit, I cannot pretend that my noble friends behind me will be altogether satisfied in the matter, but, at the same time, we are not desirous of putting undue obstacles in the way, and my advice to my noble friends, unless they take a contrary view, will be that we should accept the Commons Amendment in the spirit of compromise in which it is proposed.

On Question, Motion agreed to.