HL Deb 11 April 1924 vol 57 cc266-8

"Clause 1, at end of line 25 insert a new subsection: (4) Any expenses incurred in carrying out tire said Treaty, conventions, protocols, and declarations shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.


My Lords, this Bill was introduced into this House in connection with the Lausanne Treaty, to carry into effect the Treaty between His Majesty and certain other Powers. Before the Bill left this House a privilege Amendment was made. That is to say, we took out of the Bill a clause dealing with expenses incurred in carrying out the said Treaty. That provision has been reinserted in the ordinary course as it is in cases of this kind, so that subsection (4) of Clause 1 of the Bill now runs:— Any expenses incurred in carrying out the said Treaty, conventions, protocols, and declarations shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament. Of course, that could only be done in another place, and I ask your Lordships to agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Parmoor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.