HL Deb 01 April 1924 vol 57 c48

LORD TREOWEN had a Notice on the Paper to draw attention to the effect on housing schemes of the recent statements made by the Minister of Health on the Government policy in regard to housing; and to move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, the noble Earl who would have replied to my Motion on behalf of the Government has been kind enough to intimate to me that an opportunity may arise in the near future of more fully discussing the Government's proposals with regard to housing, and therefore I do not propose to move my Motion to-day. In order that I may be able to remind the noble Earl, in case the matter should be forgotten amongst other pressing engagements, I will put my Motion down in the list of Motions for which no date is named and I shall thus be able to raise it on a suitable occasion.

House adjourned at ten minutes before seven o'clock.