HL Deb 22 March 1923 vol 53 cc581-2

LORD CARSON had given Notion to ask His Majesty's Government if they can now state how the question of compensation for malicious injury to property in Southern Ireland now stands both in regards to malicious injuries committed before and after the date of the Treaty in December, 1921; what is the estimated amount of damage in each class of case and how much has been already paid; and how far the British Government accept responsibility to see that the claimants are paid in the immediate future.

The noble and learned Lord said: My Lords, at this late, hour I do not think it would be possible to raise a debate upon the important subject which is dealt with in the Question which I have placed on the Paper. I am very anxious to have in an authoritative form and at the earliest possible moment some indication of the policy of His Majesty's Government in relation to the question of compensation for the injuries which are being inflicted daily in Ireland. If it would meet the convenience of the noble Duke, I should like to suggest that he would lay upon the Table some Memoranda or Papers in answer to my Question, giving as much information as he can as to how this matter is proceeding in Ireland. Then, after Easter, when your Lordships have had time to consider such documents, I would place a Motion on the Paper to call attention to the matter again. Upon the whole it seems to me that that would be the most businesslike way of dealing with the Question now, if' it meets the wishes of the noble Duke.


My Lords, I regret that owing to various causes over which we have no control it is too late to have a debate on this very important subject this evening. I shall be very glad to fall in with the suggestion of my noble and learned friend to place as much information in possession of the House as I can in a printed Paper. I shall await a further opportunity of debate upon this subject after Easter.


I am much obliged to the noble Duke.

House adjourned at ten minutes past seven o'clock.