HL Deb 06 March 1923 vol 53 cc251-2

Section 22. Notice before forfeiture.

Section 23. Provisions as to forfeited policies.

LORD SHANDON moved, at the end of the Third Schedule, to insert "Section 40. Notices." The noble Lord said: My Lords, this Amendment is one that perhaps I may hope, with confidence, the Lord Chancellor will see his way to accept. The effect of it is this. The principle in the Bill is that notice may be given by printing in bold type the forfeiture condition, but the principal forfeiture condition is Section 40, which provides for the notice, and is really the most important thing in connection with this question of forfeiture. I suggest that it must have been left out by mistake from Part II of the Schedule. Taking the Schedule with the clause, Part I provides for the notice to be printed, but it would only be printed with the general clauses, whereas I contend that it ought to be printed in bold type with the particular clauses, 22 and 23. Clause 22 informs the man that his policy is liable to forfeiture, and Clause 23 informs him as to what is to happen to forfeited policies. Clause 40, which I would ask to have inserted in Part II, says that a letter may be sent to the policy holder's last known place of abode, and that if he is not there he will lose his policy. I hope the Lord Chancellor may see his way to accept this Amendment.

Amendment moved— Page 35, line 17, at end insert ("Section 40. Notices").—(Lord Shandon.)


My Lords, I see no objection to this Amend-merit, and I am prepared to accept it.

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Fourth Schedule: