HL Deb 26 June 1923 vol 54 c572

My Lords, I had given the noble Marquess the Leader of the House notice of a Question in these terms: To ask whether the attention of His Majesty's Government has been called to the seizure in British ships in American waters of alcoholic liquors to which the seals of the British Customs had been affixed. The noble Marquess has very reasonably told me that he received the notice of my intention to ask this Question only last night, and that the period which has since elapsed has not been sufficient to enable him to give the answer that he would wish. He suggested to me that I should repeat my Question to-morrow, but unfortunately I am taken by public duty to Derby to-morrow and shall not be in my place in your Lordships' House. I therefore accepted the suggestion which the noble Marquess then made to me that I should repeat the Question on Thursday, and with the leave of your Lordships I propose to take that course.