HL Deb 02 May 1922 vol 50 c221

My Lords, I wish to ask my noble friend the Earl of Crawford a Question of which I have given private notice to the Leader of the House. Let me, in the first place, say how very sorry I am for the reasons which keep my noble friend, Lord Curzon, away from your Lordships' House. His absence is due entirely to reasons of health, and we all join in wishing him a speedy and complete recovery. The Question of which I have given private notice is as follows. In pursuance of an answer given to a Question on the same subject on his behalf by the First Commissioner of Works, just before the adjournment for the Easter holidays, I have given notice to ask the Leader of the House whether he will now inform the House on what day he will introduce the promised Resolutions about the reconstruction of the Second Chamber.


My Lords, I am greatly obliged to my noble friend for the kind message which he sends to my noble friend, Lord Curzon. I am afraid that the renewed illness of Lord Curzon has upset my calculations as to the date upon which the Leader of the House can lay before your Lordships the proposals about the House of Lords. He is now at the seaside, and it may be two or three weeks before it is possible for him to get back to London. Until that time arrives I am afraid it is impossible for me to make any statement as to the date when he will be able to submit to the House the Resolutions to which the noble Earl has referred.

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